Protection of Public Events

One of the areas of Delta Security specialization is protection and security of any kind of mass events including cultural and entertainment, sports or special ones. Our service is not limited to providing security. Our information services assist organisers with all aspects related to the staging of the event.

Provision of services is based on the know-how and experience of our employees who have been specially trained for that purpose in our training facility and according to the highest work standards in the sector of securing mass events.

We develop our activities in accordance with the provisions of the law in force including in particular the guidelines presented in:

The Act on Mass Events Security of 20 March 2009,

The Ordinance of Council of Ministers of 2 July 2002 on training and equipment requirements to be met by security services of the mass event organiser and detailed conditions and methods of their action.

The Ordinance of Council of Ministers of 23 March 2010 on requirements to by met by a security manager, security and information services.

Top-quality logistics background including special purpose vehicles of intervention groups, communications equipment, equipment for medical and fire protection supports the work of our services.

In special cases we prepare for our Clients full documentation necessary to obtain a permission for staging a mass event and support them in talks held with representatives of public institutions responsible for safety of mass events including but not limited to Police, Fire Services, Municipial Offices or Emergency Services.

Are you interested in our offer?

Write to us.

Need an offer?

Write to us and we will prepare an offer tailored to your needs.